Friday, March 26, 2010


frens, u all so bad -.-

first of all.
something important to say
Janice do not love cca !
it's kind of irritating -.-
class was normal except tht part !
morning go for mrs chen class -.-
sibey quiet uhs the class !
thn go for chinese :)
chinese fun lahs
just thr write so much things
thn go for el all this
after recess.
all go up .
thn go back class study
Yaoxiu , at first i talk to yanyu , cca,yx .
thn we thr talking about the maths thingy anser thing lahs
thn tcher say i am the one who is talking
Tmd lor.
thn call cca sit on the floor,
say is either me, wenhua or yanyu attracted him -.-
thn after tht , go for pe .
pe quite fun , compete running !
Yeh ,i won ;wink
thn go for the class agn -.-
i was doing my stuffs, whn cca suddenly pass me something to see.
i gave him back , tcher kpkb liaos
say i keep talk !
thn ask me sit on floor!
i say i nvr talk at all , i doing things
tcher say , is chongan who talk , but i am the one tht is distracting him -.-
she say he keep look at me , and play with me or whtsoever.
thn simi lahs
thn whole class started their lame cheers -.-
i hate it mans
aiyah , sua.
thn whn find ppl .
go thr slack
ben keep kicking me!
okok , tired and dead beat

love yourself- kat-tun  kamenashi kazuya Pictures, Images and Photos


saranghaeyooh DBSK!

replies of sweetlies ;wink

Edmund: Tagg(s) fr qin ai de mei >< shydieme ;P
> Is one tag only lor ! u will shy ? tian xia mei you bu shy de ren liao ! LOL !

mandii: your blog is so damn chu lu luhs. girls don't keep scold vulgarities. So ugly. later da jiu read , you die.
> I nvr scold so much liao leys , pls lah , i am guai liao -.- , just whn stress will scold^^ , cnt blieve i so guai lahs !

mandii: must be more femine :D ten alot boys will jio you. :D
> Wah Yaoxiu dontwant dontwan ! i rather this life -.- , nw rumours spread till gonna drown me

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